Associated projects
New Scenarios and Models for Climate Engineering
New Scenarios and Models for Climate Engineering is using a seeds approach: https://www.sesync.org/project/propose-a-pursuit/new-scenarios-and-models-for-climate-engineering
IPBES Expert group on scenarios and models
IPBES Expert group on scenarios and models has used the seeds approach as the foundation of their new framework: https://www.niwa.co.nz/coasts-and-oceans/research-projects/ipbes-nature-futures-workshop
Seeds of a Better McGill
This project seeks to understand how McGill University can use a ‘bright spots’ approach to create a better environment for existing and forthcoming initiatives to help McGill’s research, teaching, and service lead to a transformation to sustainability at McGill University and beyond?
“Game changers”, crisis and opportunity: how are social-ecological transformations scaling-up?
This project, led by Banting Postdoctoral Fellow Karina Benessaiah focuses on understanding how small sustainability initiatives (seeds) scale up to create new social-ecological transformational pathways. To do this, Karine studies (a) the issues seeds are responding to and their frames (desired futures, norms, values, and perceptions), (b) the resources they mobilize to move toward the desired pathway, (c) barriers and windows of opportunity encountered along the way, and (c) the resulting social-ecological outcomes. Karine is working on food sustainability-related seeds in two case study cities – Athens, Greece, and Montreal, Canada.
Guidance for Resilience in the Anthropocene: Investments for development (GRAID)
The GRAID program served as a knowledge platform to streamline insights and the latest knowledge on resilience thinking and methods for assessing and approaches for building resilience, as a strategic support to the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP). Two of the core partners, the Stockholm Resilience Centre in Sweden, and the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition (CST) at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, had substantial project components focusing on the Seeds of Good Anthropocenes.
CST led regional dialogues
The Centre for Complex Systems in Transition led four regional dialogues funded by Swedbio, two in South Africa and one each in Kenya and Mozambique, to collect local seed initiatives. These fed into a science-policy-practice dialogue run in conjunction with the 1st Future Earth Program on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) conference held in Stellenbosch in 2015. Building on these seeds and those collected in the global online initiative, a Seeds visioning workshop was held in 2016, which pioneered the Manoa mash-up method of creating bottom-up scenarios from Seeds, using methods such as future wheels and the 3-horizons framework.