The following
Publications and products
have BEEN produced
as part of the
Seeds of Good
Anthropocenes project:


Preiser, R., Hichert, T., Biggs, R., van Velden, J., Magadzire, N., Peterson, G., Pereira, L., Mayer, K. and Benessaiah, K. 2021. Transformative foresight for diverse futures: the Seeds of Good Anthropocenes initiative. Development Policy Review.

Gianelli, I., M. Trimble, S. Juri, N. A. Beretta, D. Torena, M. Acosta, R. Acosta, M. Del Bó, J. A. Fuster, V. González, D. Kurta, M. Kurta, T. López, M. E. Marfetán, P. Montes de Oca, A. Morales, V. Pardo, J. Sandoval, N. Schuch, C. Taroco, A. V. Norström, L. M. Pereira, and S. Villasante. 2024. Envisioning desirable futures in small-scale fisheries: a transdisciplinary arts-based co-creation
process. Ecology and Society 29(1):20.

Otero, I., Rigal, S., Pereira, L. Kim, H.J., Gamboa, G., Tello, E. and Grêt‐Regamey, A. 2024. Degrowth scenarios for biodiversity? Key methodological steps and a call for collaboration. Sustainability Science.


Lübker, H.M., Keys, P.W., Merrie, A., Pereira, L.M., Rocha, J.C., and Crespo, J.C. 2023.  Imagining sustainable futures for the high seas by combining the power of computation and narrative. npj Ocean Sustainability 2, 4.

Pereira, L.M., G.O. Crespo, D.J. Amon, R. Badhe, S. Bandeira, F. Bengtsson, M. Boettcher, G. Carmine, W.L. Cheung, B. Chibwe, D. Dunn, M.A. Gasalla, G. Halouani, D.E. Johnson, J. Jouffray, S. Juri, P.W. Keys, H.M. Lübker, A.S. Merrie, F. Obaidullah, J. Palacios-Abrantes, L.J. Shannon, U. Rashid Sumaila, E. Superchi, N. Terry, C.C. Wabnitz, M. Yasuhara, W. Zhou. 2023. The living infinite: Envisioning futures for transformed human-nature relationships on the high seas. Marine Policy, vol 153,

Rutting, L., Vervoort, J., Mees, H., Pereira, L., Veeger, M., Muiderman, K., Mangnus, A., Winkler, K., Olsson, P., Hichert, T. and Lane, R., 2023. Disruptive seeds: a scenario approach to explore power shifts in sustainability transformations. Sustainability Science, 18(3), pp.1117-1133.

Tuckey, A. J., Z. V. Harmáčková, G. D. Peterson, A. V. Norström, M.-L. Moore, P. Olsson, D. P. M. Lam, and A. Jiménez-Aceituno. 2023. What factors enable social-ecological transformative potential? The role of learning practices, empowerment, and networking. Ecology and Society 28(2):27.

van Velden, J.L., Biggs, R., Hichert, T., Booth, P., Buchner-Marais, C., Esler, K.J., Lewarne, M., Potgieter, L.J., Rahlao, S.J., Rebelo, A.j., Robinson, T.B., van Wilgen, N.J and Richardson, D.M. 2023. Futures for invasive alien species management: using bottom-up innovations to envision positive systemic change. Sustainability Science 18, 2567–2587.


Kuiper, J.J., D., van Wijk, W.M., Mooij, R.P.,  Remme, G.D., Peterson, S., Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, C.J., Mooij, G.M., Leltz and L.M Pereira. 2022. Exploring desirable nature futures for Nationaal Park Hollandse Duinen. Ecosystems and People, vol. 18: 329-347.

Rutting, L. and Veeger, M. 2022. Disruptive Seeds and transformation pathways for Guatemala’s food system. Work Package 3 Working Paper. Rome, Italy: CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience.

Sellberg, M., Norrby, J., Nowak, A., Rönnquist, L., Olsson, P., Peterson, G. and Alvsilver, A. 2022. Rapid Transition Lab: Navigating transformations in times of crises towards healthy, sustainable and just Swedish and planetary food systems. DOI: 10.17045/sthlmuni.21275946.v1

Valencia, V., Bennett, E.M., Altieri, M., Nicholls, C., Schrijver, A.P. and Schulte, R.P. 2022. Learning from the future: mainstreaming disruptive solutions for the transition to sustainable food systems. Environmental Research Letters, 17(5).


Bennett, E.M., Biggs, R., Peterson, G., & Gordon, L.J. 2021. Patchwork Earth: navigating pathways to just, thriving, and sustainable futures. One Earth 4, February 19, 2021.

Lin, B. B., Ossola, A., Alberti, M., Andersson, E., Bai, X., Dobbs, C., Elmqvist, T., Evans, K. L., Frantzeskaki, N., Fuller, R. A., Gaston, K. J., Haase, D., Jim, C. Y., Konijnendijk, C., Nagendra, H., Niemelä, J., McPhearson, T., Moomaw, W. R., Parnell, S., Pataki, D., Ripple, W.J., & Tan, P. Y. 2021. Integrating solutions to adapt cities for climate change. The Lancet Planetary Health, 5(7), e479–e486.

McPhearson, T., Raymond, C. M., Gulsrud, N.,  Albert, C., Coles, N., Fagerholm, N., Nagatsu, M., Olafsson, A. S., Soininen,  N., & Vierikko,K. 2021. Radical changes are needed for transformations to a good Anthropocene. npj Urban Sustainability 1(1).

Pelling, M., Chow, W. T. L., Chu, E., Dawson, R., Dodman, D., Fraser, A., Hayward, B., Khirfan, L., McPhearson, T., Prakash, A., & Ziervogel, G. 2021. A climate resilience research renewal agenda: learning lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for urban climate resilience. Climate and Development, 1–8.

Pereira, L. 2021 “Imagining Better Futures Using the Seeds Approach”. 2021. Social Innovations Journal, vol. 5,

Wendling, L., Garcia, J., Descoteaux, D., Sowińska-Świerkosz, B., McPhearson, T., Frantzeskaki, N.,La Rosa, D., Yiwen, Z.,  Lin, T., Fidélis, T., Dumitru, A., Mitsch, W.J., Lavrnić, S., Maucieri, C., Wang, Y., McCarton, L., O’Hogain, S., Schmidt, S., Vidal, G., & Hernandez Crespo, C. 2021. Editorial: Introduction to the Nature-Based Solutions journal. Nature-Based Solutions 1, 100003. https://doi:10.1016/j.nbsj.2021.100003 


Hamann, M, Biggs, R., Pereira, L., Preiser, R., Hichert, T., Blanchard, R., Warrington-Coetzee, H., King, N., Merrie, A., Nilsson, W., Odendaal, P., Poskitt, S., Sanchez Betancourt, D., & Ziervogel, G. 2020. ‘Scenarios of Good Anthropocenes in southern Africa’, Futures, 118, p. 102526.

Lam, D. P. M., A. I. Horcea-Milcu, J. Fischer, D. Peukert, & D. J. Lang. 2020. Three principles for co-designing sustainability intervention strategies: Experiences from Southern Transylvania. Ambio 49(9):1451–1465.

Lam, D. P. M., B. Martín-López, A. I. Horcea-Milcu, & D. J. Lang. 2020. A leverage points perspective on social networks to understand sustainability transformations: evidence from Southern Transylvania. Sustainability Science.

Lam, D.P.M., B. Martín-López, A. Wiek, E.M. Bennett, N. Frantzeskaki, A.I. Horcea-Milcu, & D.J. Lang. 2020. Scaling the impact of sustainability initiatives: a typology of amplification processes. Urban Transform 2, 3.

Norström, A.V., Peterson, G.D., & Gordon L.J. 2020. Using local initiatives to envision sustainable and resilient food systems in the Stockholm city-region. Global Food Security, (available online)

Pereira, L. M., K. K. Davies, E. Belder, S. Ferrier, S. Karlsson‐Vinkhuyzen, H. Kim, J. J. Kuiper, S. Okayasu, M. G. Palomo, H. M. Pereira, G. Peterson, J. Sathyapalan, M. Schoolenberg, R. Alkemade, S. Carvalho Ribeiro, A. Greenaway, J. Hauck, N. King, T. Lazarova, F. Ravera, N. Chettri, W. W. L. Cheung, R. J. J. Hendriks, G. Kolomytsev, P. Leadley, J. Metzger, K. N. Ninan, R. Pichs, A. Popp, C. Rondinini, I. Rosa, D. Vuuren, and C. J. Lundquist. 2020. Developing multiscale and integrative nature–people scenarios using the Nature Futures Framework. People and Nature 2(4):1172–1195.

Rana, S., Ávila-García, D., Dib, V., Familia, L., Gerhardinger, L. C., Martin, E., Martins, P.I., Pompeu, J., Selomane, O., Tauli J.I., Tran, D.H.T, Valle, M., von Below, J. and Pereira, L. M. 2020. The voices of youth in envisioning positive futures for nature and people. Ecosystems and People16(1), 326–344.


Guerrero Lara, L., Pereira, L. M., Ravera, F., & Jiménez-Aceituno, A. 2019. Flipping the Tortilla: Social-Ecological Innovations and Traditional Ecological Knowledge for More Sustainable Agri-Food Systems in Spain. Sustainability11(5), 1222.

Jiménez-Aceituno, A., Peterson, G.D., Norström, A.V., Wong, G.Y., & Downing, A.S., 2019. Local lens for SDG implementation: lessons from bottom-up approaches in Africa. Sustainability Science, (available online).

Mangnus, A. C., Vervoort, J.M., McGreevy, S. R., Ota,  K., Rupprecht,C.D.D., Oga, M., & Kobayashi, M. 2019. New pathways for governing food system transformations: a pluralistic practice-based futures approach using visioning, back-casting, and serious gaming. Ecology and Society 24(4):2.

Pereira, L., Bennett, E., Biggs, R., Mangnus, A., Norstrom, A.V., Peterson, G., Raudsepp-Hearne, C., Sellberg, M., & Vervoort, J. 2019. Seeding Change by Visioning Good Anthropocenes. Solutions Journal10(3).

Raudsepp-Hearne, C, G.D. Peterson, E.M. Bennett, R. Biggs, A.V. Norström, L. Pereira, J. Vervoort, D.M. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, P. Olsson, T. Hichert, M. Falardeau, A. Jiménez Aceituno. 2019. Seeds of good anthropocenes: developing sustainability scenarios for Northern Europe. Sustainability Science. (available online)


Falardeau, M., Raudsepp-Hearne, C., & Bennett, E.M., A novel approach for co-producing positive scenarios that explore agency: case study from the Canadian Arctic. Sustainability Science

Pereira, L., Bennett, E., Biggs, R., Peterson, G., McPhearson, T., Norström, A., Olsson, P., Preiser, R., Raudsepp-Hearne, C., & Vervoort, J. 2018. Seeds of the Future in the Present: Exploring Pathways for Navigating Towards “Good” Anthropocenes. In T. Elmqvist, X. Bai, N. Frantzeskaki, C. Griffith, D. Maddox, T. McPhearson, et al. (Eds.), Urban Planet: Knowledge towards Sustainable Cities (pp. 327-350). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pereira, L. , Hichert, T., Hamann, M., Preiser, R., & Biggs, R. 2018. Using futures methods to create transformative spaces: visions of a good Anthropocene in southern Africa. Ecology and Society, 23(1), 19.


Preiser, R., Pereira, L.M., & Biggs, R. 2017. Navigating alternative framings of human-environment interactions: Variations on the theme of ‘Finding Nemo’. Anthropocene, 20, pp.83-87.


Bennett, E.M., Solan, M., Biggs, R., MacPhearson, T., Norstrom, A., Olsson, P.,  Pereira, L., Peterson, G.D., Raudsepp-Hearne, C., Beirmann, F., Carpenter, S.R., Ellis, E., Hichert, T. Galaz, V., Lahsen, M., Martin-Lopez, B., Nicolas, K. A., Preisser, R.,  Vince, G., Vervoort, J., & Xu, J. 2016. Bright Spots: Seeds of a Good Anthropocene. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment14(8), pp.441-448.