Readings suggested on
this page come from
project collaborators
and people who have
submitted seeds.
Suggested Books
- Adventures in the Anthropocene by Gaia Vince
- The Human Age by Diane Ackerman
- Bridge at the End of the World by Gus Speth
- Blessed Unrest by Paul Hawken
- Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia: Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages (studies in environmental anthropology and ethnobiology) by Joshua Lockyer and James R. Veteto
Articles in the Popular Media
- Varied Views (Dark, Light, in Between) of Earth’s Anthropocene Age, by Andrew Revkin
- Anthropocene: New dates proposed for the Age of Man, by Rebecca Morelle
- Welcome to the Anthropocene, The Economist
- What is the Anthropocene, and are we in it?, by Joseph Stromberg
Scientific articles
- Crutzen, 2002: Geology of Mankind
- Steffen et al,2015: The trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration
- IGBP: Anthropocene
- Latour, 2014: Agency at the time of the Anthropocene
- Lewis and Maslin, 2015: Defining the Anthropocene
- Biermann, 2014: The Anthropocene: A governance perspective
- Barnosky and Hadly, 2014: Problem solving in the Anthropocene
- Bennet et al, 2016: Bright spots: seeds of a good Anthropocene