Tamera is a peace research village with the goal of becoming “a self-sufficient, sustainable and replicable communitarian model for nonviolent cooperation and cohabitation between humans, animals, nature, and Creation for a future of peace for all.” It is also often called a “healing biotope,” which literally translated simply means a place where life lives. In Tamera, however, “healing biotope” is also described as a “greenhouse of trust”, “an acupuncture point of peace”, and “a self-sufficient future community”. It is located on 335 acres (1.36 km2) in the Alentejo region of south-western Portugal.
The goal of the community that lives there is to do research and educate people on a ‘Utopia concreta’ or real Utopia. Currently, approximately 250 coworkers and students (including children) live and study in Tamera which operates as an experimental research centre that is dedicated to discovering how human beings can live peacefully among themselves and with nature, and create a successful, working, and sustainable community. Tamera is also a “free lab” and an international meeting place where peace workers and specialists in various fields from many parts of the world share their expertise. In 2008 participants from more than twenty-five different countries lived, studied, worked, or visited there.
Tamera also serves as the headquarters for a number of different and independent projects that, when brought together properly, they believe can establish a new social model and a new culture of peace. These are also ‘seeds’ in their own right and include the Global Campus, Monte Cerro Peace Education, the GRACE Foundation, the Institute for Global Peacework, Verlag Meiga Publishing Company, the Children’s Center, the Love School, the SolarVillage, the Permaculture Project, the Horse Project, the Seminar and Guest Center and the Terra Nova movement.
Tamera is a member of the global ecovillages network and
You can find out more information on their website (in Portuguese) http://www.tamera.org/pt/o-que-e-tamera/ or on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamera