Farm Hack: open source technology for small-scale resilient agriculture

 How can small-scale farmers network to share ideas, innovations, and inventions to increase the resilience of sustainable agriculture and rural economies? Before the industrial revolution, low-input agriculture was the norm, but now, farmers must make a conscious choice if they want to avoid large scale mechanization.  Many small-scale farmers in the US are discovering new means of food production and in the process, innovating tools and equipment. Innovations can range [...]

2016-08-02T14:00:42+00:00sustainable living, United States|Comments Off on Farm Hack: open source technology for small-scale resilient agriculture

“Open Standards” for the Practice of Conservation

How Can Conservation Organizations share a common language and framework for increased learning and adaptive management?  In a world with competing interests and an ever increasing pressure on the natural world, it is important that resources spent on biodiversity conservation are used to their utmost efficacy. Biodiversity conservation is often a moving target, and the stakes are high. How much protection is enough? Which tactics are the most effective? How do we know [...]

2016-06-21T19:28:07+00:00Uncategorized|Comments Off on “Open Standards” for the Practice of Conservation
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