Predator Free New Zealand

Can ancient unique ecosystems be protected in an age of global movement of plants and animals? Predator Free New Zealand 2050 is a plan being implemented by the New Zealand government to eliminate all invasive vertebrate predators, including rats, brushtail possums, and stoats, to protect New Zealand's rare endemic species.  The government plan arises from a broader set of social and scientific initiatives.  The plan aims to dramatically reduce NZ’s populations [...]

2017-09-26T22:05:54+00:00stop destructive action|Comments Off on Predator Free New Zealand

“Open Standards” for the Practice of Conservation

How Can Conservation Organizations share a common language and framework for increased learning and adaptive management?  In a world with competing interests and an ever increasing pressure on the natural world, it is important that resources spent on biodiversity conservation are used to their utmost efficacy. Biodiversity conservation is often a moving target, and the stakes are high. How much protection is enough? Which tactics are the most effective? How do we know [...]

2016-06-21T19:28:07+00:00Uncategorized|Comments Off on “Open Standards” for the Practice of Conservation

Puffin Patrol

How can a community work together to protect an endangered species threatened by local development? If you find yourself in Witless Bay, Newfoundland, on a cool late summer night, you are likely to see a strange sight: little puffins, wandering around the town, seemingly lost, less than one foot tall, meandering around cars and light posts. This remote Canadian region is home to the largest Puffin colony in North America [...]

2016-04-26T15:05:58+00:00community|Comments Off on Puffin Patrol


What type of wildlife conservation management is most effective and sustainable? CAMPFIRE (Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources), designed and managed entirely by Africans, was created in the mid 1980's. It encourages local communities to make their own decisions about wildlife management and control so that plants, animals and people - the whole ecosystem - all benefit. Campfire also helps to provide legal ways for such communities to raise money by using [...]

2015-09-25T09:16:00+00:00Food, Integrated social-environmental, Social-Ecological Seeds|Comments Off on CAMPFIRE

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

Connecting people to nature: Is development the key to longterm success in wildlife conservation? Objective: to conserve wildlife without tradeoffs to local communities The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya ( works as a catalyst and model for the conservation of wildlife and its habitat. It does this through the protection and management of species, the initiation and support of community conservation and development programmes, and the education of neighbouring areas [...]

2015-04-30T21:39:43+00:00Social-Ecological Seeds|Comments Off on Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
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