Nsombou Abalghe-Dzal Community Wildlife Project

Hunting is vital to the food, financial, and cultural security of local people throughout the tropics. Unfortunately, commercial and unsustainable hunting and trade threaten the well-being of people by reducing opportunities to safely and sustainably access bushmeat. Many groups are working to address this issue, but few are engaging those who rely most on bushmeat – rural hunters and communities – in designing solutions. The Nsombou Abalghe-Dzal Project works in [...]

2021-02-15T08:09:44+00:00Food, Food system, indigenous, Seedbank|Comments Off on Nsombou Abalghe-Dzal Community Wildlife Project

Green Wave: The Future of Ocean Farming

Imagine the future of farming. You are probably envisioning rolling hills, tractors, and green fields. Now turn your attention to the seas. For some, this is the frontier. The sea is the future of farming. Green Wave is realizing this vision. They are developing and promoting a new form of marine aquaculture which they call “3D Ocean Farming”. This method consists of using the whole ocean column to create a [...]

2017-04-06T13:17:34+00:00Food, Food system|Comments Off on Green Wave: The Future of Ocean Farming

Gardening the Sahel

by Lea Billen & Deborah Goffner Can multiplying small-scale “re-greening” in the form of women-run communal fruit and vegetable gardens make a difference for local populations in the Sahel? The Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative (GGW) is a Pan-African project consisting of a contiguous series of landscape-scale interventions designed to cross the African continent with the goal of improving environmental and human well-being in the [...]

2016-09-30T08:36:19+00:00Food, Food system|Comments Off on Gardening the Sahel

Philippi Horticultural Area Food & Farming Campaign

  How can a unique agricultural area on the urban fringe of Cape Town, South Africa be protected to provide ecosystem services, fresh produce for low income city dwellers, and a local model of agro-ecological farming? The vast green fields of the Philippi Horticultural Area are an incongruous sight, in the midst of one of the most densely settled areas of the Cape Flats, an expanse of gritty, peri-urban townships [...]

2016-07-23T01:31:30+00:00community, Food, Food system|Comments Off on Philippi Horticultural Area Food & Farming Campaign

Center for Ecoliteracy

Can changing what schools serve for lunch help to address deep challenges in the food and education systems, while inspiring ecological awareness in children?  A child in the state of California's public education system will consume around 4,000 school meals between the time of entering kindergarten and leaving high school. With more than 6 million children attending California state schools, the simple question of what gets served for lunch, and [...]

2016-04-20T21:06:41+00:00Food, Food system, health, Project information or update, United States|Comments Off on Center for Ecoliteracy

Santropol Roulant

How can an organization address urban food security and social inclusion while meeting the shifting needs and interests of a community? The word “roulant” in French means “rolling” which conjures an image of some kind of cycle or circle –something that gives back.  Cycles and interconnections are often hidden from urban life, despite their omnipresence. Sometimes organizations can bring these cycles to life and build new connections within urban spaces. [...]

2016-04-14T15:50:01+00:00Food, Food system, Social Seeds|Comments Off on Santropol Roulant

Community Based Radiation Monitoring

How can people to do respond to crisis, when they don't trust official responses? Japan towns, villages, and cities around the Daiichi nuclear plant. The 20km and 30km areas had evacuation and sheltering orders, and additional administrative districts that had an evacuation order are highlighted. From wikipedia. In 2011, the Great East Japan earthquake triggered a large tsunami that killed over 15,000 people and triggered meltdowns in the Fukushima Daiichi [...]

2016-04-11T00:03:31+00:00community, Education, Food, Food system, health, Skills Development|Comments Off on Community Based Radiation Monitoring

Heartwood Cohousing

Building a sense of community, stewardship and sharing through cohousing communities: can alternative ways of living and making decisions found within intentional communities scale up?  How? Heartwood Cohousing is one of many cohousing communities throughout the world. There are about 150 in the USA alone. Heartwood's goal is to recreate an old-fashioned neighbourhood where neighbours cooperate to live more sustainably. Heartwood has 100 hectares of land, 25 irrigated, with an organic farm that [...]

2015-11-24T18:58:04+00:00Food, Integrated social-environmental, Social Seeds, sustainable living, United States|Comments Off on Heartwood Cohousing

Intentional Community in Gaviotas, Colombia

Can a thriving community be created in a harsh, socially hostile environment, and can it last? What lessons can be learned from Gaviotas, Colombia? Gaviotas is an intentional community in eastern Columbia established by Paulo Lugari in the mid 60’s. The ecosystem consisted of “llanos”, savannas that seasonally flood. The intent of the community was to find ways to make the region more habitable. Through Colombian and UNDP grants in the 70’s [...]

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