Center for Ecoliteracy

Can changing what schools serve for lunch help to address deep challenges in the food and education systems, while inspiring ecological awareness in children?  A child in the state of California's public education system will consume around 4,000 school meals between the time of entering kindergarten and leaving high school. With more than 6 million children attending California state schools, the simple question of what gets served for lunch, and [...]

2016-04-20T21:06:41+00:00Food, Food system, health, Project information or update, United States|Comments Off on Center for Ecoliteracy


How do we challenge people's deeply-held beliefs about how the world works and all the associated behaviours that go along with these? Cascoland is an international network of artists, architects, designers and performers sharing a fascination for interdisciplinary interventions in public space, promoting mobilization, participation and networking through artistic exchange and collaboration. Projects are executed with multi-disciplinary teams of artists and designers. Cascoland activates public space through artistic interventions, construction [...]

2015-12-15T20:25:17+00:00art, community, Social Seeds, transdisciplinary research|Comments Off on Cascoland


Can an online gaming platfom lead to real-world learning and behavioural change? How widespread can its impact be? MEGA Game is a gamified web platform & smartphone app that give you knowledge, skills, and power to create sustainable world by playing for impact.  The Moldovan Environmental Governance Academy (MEGA) represents an innovative solution to the world’s most pressing social and environmental issues, such as inefficient natural resource management, environmental pollution with [...]

Five Feet aims to initiate gatherings large and small "at the tide" (along beaches and tidal lowlands) around the globe to connect everyday people with the coming realities of sea level rise. Five feet (or 1.5 meters) has been chosen as a benchmark, because it is a measure easily judged using human stature as a guide. The goal is to use these Five-Feet Moments as a learning tool to engage everyday [...]

2015-08-28T12:19:23+00:00sea-level rise|Comments Off on Five Feet

Sustain Ability Challenge and Live Better Challenge

Connecting people to nature: Can public challenges and competitions with high media visibility promote sustainable living in urban areas by building awareness, sharing information and through peer pressures? Objective: to understand the barriers and motivators to inspiring behaviour change towards sustainable living In 2012, Unilever ran a six-month research study called the Sustain Ability Challenge in 12 UK households in order to understand the barriers, triggers and motivators for sustainable living, [...]

2015-04-08T19:45:09+00:00Competition, Social-Ecological Seeds|Comments Off on Sustain Ability Challenge and Live Better Challenge
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