EcoPeace Middle East: Environmental Peacemaking for transboundary water management in Israel, Palestine, and Jordan

  Citizens of Israel, Palestine, and Jordan know about borders. Crossing between these regions requires rigorous checkpoints and determination. However, the waterway shared between these neighbors, the Jordan River, knows no political boundary. Recently, the Jordan River Basin has experienced massive declines in quality –93 percent of its original flow has been diverted by neighboring states; it is also affected by pollution from sewage, agricultural runoff, and fish pond effluent [...]

2017-03-02T17:30:58+00:00community, Conservation, Integrated social-environmental, Social-Ecological Seeds|Comments Off on EcoPeace Middle East: Environmental Peacemaking for transboundary water management in Israel, Palestine, and Jordan

Yachay City of Knowledge: A New City of Technology, Research and Innovation

“New Cities” are planned cities, generally conceptualized and constructed in partnership between government and corporate actors. While this phenomenon has resulted in a mixed-bag of mostly non-sustainable boondoggles, there is no doubt that these cities represent a vision of the future – new ways of people living together and relating to one-another. While these visions of the future may not be shared by all, they are visions worth noticing. Yachay [...]

2017-02-14T21:40:54+00:00infrastructure, Urban|Comments Off on Yachay City of Knowledge: A New City of Technology, Research and Innovation

Lüneburg 2030+ Participatory Urban Sustainable Futures

How could the city of the future be designed and constructed to enable more sustainable pathways of development? City of the Future Lüneburg 2030+ is a project that aims to envision the future city of Lüneburg, Germany in a way that it turns into more sustainable, livable and fair place. The project has been jointly developed by the sustainability oriented University of Leuphana, the local government of the Hanseatic City of Lüneburg, [...]

2016-05-20T07:59:33+00:00community, europe, infrastructure, transdisciplinary research|Comments Off on Lüneburg 2030+ Participatory Urban Sustainable Futures


How can reconfiguring small-scale industrial production enable a community to tap local ecosystems services sustainably to address social challenges? In Uganda, and in much of the developing world, when school-aged girls hit puberty, they are often forced to miss school during menstruation due to the inaccessibility of affordable sanitation products. Fifteen years ago Moses Musaazi, an engineering lecturer from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, was asked by social [...]

2016-05-06T18:41:56+00:00business, health, sustainable living, urban ecology|Comments Off on Makapads

Center for Ecoliteracy

Can changing what schools serve for lunch help to address deep challenges in the food and education systems, while inspiring ecological awareness in children?  A child in the state of California's public education system will consume around 4,000 school meals between the time of entering kindergarten and leaving high school. With more than 6 million children attending California state schools, the simple question of what gets served for lunch, and [...]

2016-04-20T21:06:41+00:00Food, Food system, health, Project information or update, United States|Comments Off on Center for Ecoliteracy

Project Tamar

Project Tamar is a marine conservation centre in Brazil that is internationally recognised marine conservation programme that involves coastal communities directly in its socio-ecological research and activities. The primary mission of the Tamar, is research, conservation and management of the five species of sea turtles that occur in Brazil, all threatened with extinction. It protects about 1 100km of turtle habitat in 25 locations across 9 Brazilian states. Project Tamar was [...]

2015-10-01T15:45:00+00:00Brazil, Conservation|Comments Off on Project Tamar

High Line Park, New York City

Can biodiversity and love of nature be promoted in the world's densest urban areas? The High Line is an elevated freight rail line transformed into a public park on Manhattan’s West Side. It is owned by the City of New York, and maintained and operated by Friends of the High Line. Founded in 1999 by community residents, Friends of the High Line fought for the High Line’s preservation and transformation [...]

2015-08-03T19:42:35+00:00Conservation, Social-Ecological Seeds|Comments Off on High Line Park, New York City

Anthropocene Campus and Curriculum

Connecting people to people, rebuilding understanding of how systems work: Can creative, international and interdisciplinary education structures focusing on broad topics such as the Anthropocene create synergies and networks that could improve information flows and help to change ingrained ways of thinking and behaving? Objective: To affect participants intellectual, emotional and consequently scientific engagement with the idea of the Anthropocene The Anthropocene Campus & Curriculum was a 10-day event run by the House of [...]

2015-04-08T20:34:26+00:00Social Seeds|Comments Off on Anthropocene Campus and Curriculum

Sustain Ability Challenge and Live Better Challenge

Connecting people to nature: Can public challenges and competitions with high media visibility promote sustainable living in urban areas by building awareness, sharing information and through peer pressures? Objective: to understand the barriers and motivators to inspiring behaviour change towards sustainable living In 2012, Unilever ran a six-month research study called the Sustain Ability Challenge in 12 UK households in order to understand the barriers, triggers and motivators for sustainable living, [...]

2015-04-08T19:45:09+00:00Competition, Social-Ecological Seeds|Comments Off on Sustain Ability Challenge and Live Better Challenge

Satoyama Initiative

The values of satoyama landscape, Japanese traditional agricultural landscape, has been increasingly recognized in Japan, as provider of a bundle of ecosystem services to humans while harnessing unique and higher level of biodiversity. It has been understood that continuation of appropriate management of landscapes has created sustainable landscapes benefitting both humans and nature. The challenges faced to the satoyama landscapes today are more on the underuse of natural resources rather than overexploitation which comes from depopulation in rural areas and decline of agricultural sectors. Responding to this, new ways to maintain satoyama landscape is being explored by linking urban and rural areas and creating mutual benefits.

2015-02-06T00:51:56+00:00Social-Ecological Seeds|Comments Off on Satoyama Initiative
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